Customised advice for your horse

We are always pleased to assist you with personal and customised advice. Fill in the details below and we will do our best to provide you with customised advice within 48 hours.

What is important to know is that the products we sell are not medicines and these products do not have any form of medicinal effect. Nutritional supplements are not substitutes for a healthy lifestyle with a varied and balanced diet. If your horse is sick or has a medical disorder, it is important to contact a veterinarian.

We only use these data to send you an advice, not for commercial purposes such as advertisements.

Customised advice - horse

Our products have not been tested on pregnant and/or lactating mares. So, unfortunately we are unable to give you an appropriate advice.

* If you choose general supplement, you do not need to check other options. Unless you want to pay extra attention to 1 or 2 other options.